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  • Writer's pictureSanya Samla

Thoughts: YouTube Video How Social Media Shapes Identity

The video, How Social Media Shapes Identity, was all about how people’s identities are molded by what they see on social media and what society tells them who they can be. Market, play, and sociality are discourses that mold humans. Market is what social media tells you what to buy which keeps the economy going. Play is how you “escape”, basically how you spend your free time. Sociality is who society tells you to associate yourself with and how to act. All of these restrict people from discovering their different identities.

Social media has shaped me tremendously. I have noticed that when you aren’t on social media, you look like you are the odd one out when speaking to people your age. It has influenced what shows and movies I watch, based on everyone’s positive opinions. It has also shaped my music taste. It has also influenced how I do my makeup. It is inevitable when these things are shoved into your face constantly over all platforms.

I agree with the statement that there are so many identities undiscovered because people want to fit the mold. People want to fit in and be “cool” so they follow trends and say certain jokes. However, sometimes I feel that more and more identities are being discovered at the same time. People are connecting with others online over things they might not find with people in their area. It can help make people feel more comfortable in their own skin.

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